Saturday, May 26, 2012

Thinking of Parker...

This week I've been thinking a lot about Parker.  It has been almost a year since we had to put him to sleep and I still cry every time I think about it.  He was my first "adult life" dog.  He was there to protect Ezra and me before anyone else was around.  He and Ezra were best friends from the very beginning.  It took awhile before he warmed up to me, but after that we were best friends.  He was such a beautiful boy that I ignored the adoption coordinator when she told me about his separation anxiety.  He broke out of every crate I put him in, so eventually I gave up and he didn't eat TOO many things.  (Just my couch and my favorite shoes.)  
I love Klaus tons and tons but I will never forget all of the great memories Parker and our family had together.  I miss him so much.  He is in my heart forever and ever.  
Klaus and Parker have so many common characteristics, which isn't a bad thing.  I tell Klaus that Parker is his older brother and even though I sound crazy, I don't care.  I saved them both from shelters and that makes me even more thankful that I got to be in their lives and vice versa.  

1 comment:

  1. On a much happier note, I have this super sweet HUGE puppy that knows when I am upset and will give me kisses whenever I want them. I am excited to take Klaus camping soon. I know that he is going to have a freaking blast.
