Friday, January 6, 2012

East Side Story.

Tonight the family and I went to the "East Side Story" gallery opening at the Harrison Center for the Arts. 
Carl has an artist studio there so we go almost every month to First Friday but this one was especially important to me.  I saw a few neighbors there and it was nice to see the artwork that has come out of the Arsenal Tech art department.  It was a great opening.  The gym had been decorated with tons of lanterns, they were scanning historic photos, the show in the main gallery was work by Susan Hodgin- a Little Flower resident and the halls had work by east side artists.  I would've liked to see a little more talk about the neighborhoods but I understand that at an art opening, it might not be what everyone is looking for.  We had an unruly toddler so we were home by 9:15, which is fine with me because I am ready for bed early with my new workout schedule. 

After coming home I logged on to facebook and immediately got annoyed.  I am in numerous eastside neighborhood groups on facebook and there is one thing they all have in common... which is bitching without solutions.  "The high school is ruining the neighborhood.  The dogs off leash in the park gave my dog PTSD.  The thefts are scaring me to death.  There is so much trash around the bank machine." 

Well folks, none of these things will ever end if you just sit on your internet and complain.  You actually have to get out of the house and DO SOMETHING to see change. 

Last year I won the position as the neighborhood secretary.  Since I was pretty much required to be at every event, I got to know the people who actually SHOW UP and care about making a difference.  How ironic that these people are not the ones complaining on the internet!  Weird!  Yet, it is still hard to not get worked up by these complaints.  After all, they are on the neighborhood facebook page, more people see that page than actually attend the monthly meetings.  It is hard holding back sometimes when I want to tell these complainers off.  Mostly I do.  Sometimes I don't. 

It is my goal this year to get more people involved.  It is easy to make excuses.  I have kids and a job also.  I know cleaning the neighborhood at 9am on a Saturday morning in the rain isn't ideal.  But it is necessary. 

If you want to feel like you are living in a community you have to try to become part of that community.  It takes effort.  It takes time.  It also takes patience to shrug some things off..... which is what I think I will do with the bitchers.


  1. Very true...important to take a stand in lift in families, communities, and action groups that are dear to us.

  2. Good to see you tonight! Thanks for all you do to make the east side great!

  3. Well you come from a long line of non-whiners so we don't have any patience for it. You do what needs to be done and get on with life. So proud of you being so involved with your neighborhood as it would be easy for you to move to Hamilton County as I always suggest but you love your home and the community.

  4. Please write an article on how to address people who watch you pick up trash then throw trash on the ground.

  5. Naomi- fortunately I have never had that happen to me, although I have seen a neighbor clean out her car directly onto the street.
    I guess the thing I want to strive for is to not become too bitter.... because when you come too bitter it makes it seem like "whats the point" and I never want to be that way.
    You're a good neighbor and I appreciate your dedication!!!

  6. The people who are clueless and don't care are out there, but so are those who do care. Know that every time you clean the street or work to make EH a better place, it does not go unnoticed. Your commitment to our community is appreciated by those who also care. It is soooo easy to complain and much harder to actually do something that makes a difference. Words are cheap; actions speak. Thank you.

  7. I Have been picking up trash on Bosart from Michigan St to St Clair Street and alley west of Bosart Ave since 1992. My wife Lisa and I take pride in our effort to keep our street clean. I will also do Michigan St. One block East and West of Bosart from time to time. When I was. A Boy Scout in the 1970's I was told if it did not grow there " Pick it Up!". Change starts at home and if we all work together then we can have a community worthy of what is best in all of us. One thing I know is that the children that live near us notice what we do and it sets a positive example for them to follow. I recently had a young girl say thank you for what I do for the community. I have raised 5 children and work full time and it would be easy to make excuses for doing nothing but I cannot look away. So I say thank you to all of you who can not look away also.
